Monday, May 10, 2010


It has been about 11 months since I have written on my blog. I am not very good at this. Tanner will be one on the 22nd of this month. Jordan and Madison were baptized since I wrote and all the kids have grown like crazy. Sara started school last July, Seth started in August and Taylor starts kidergarten this coming July. My babies are all growing up before my eyes.
Yesterday was Mother's day. Kevin and I went to Brooke's for dinner then all the kids came over to her house for Jarad's dutchoven pineapple upside down cake and homemade ice cream. Soooo good:) It is always a good day when I can just sit and enjoy everyone. Brooke is so good to take care of me and she is a really good cook.
Kevin and I went to LeGrand Oregon to pick up a new 5th wheel trailer in March. We had a fun time just taking our time coming home and camping where ever we could. I can't wait until we can go out in it again. It has been cold and wet for the last several weeks so it's hard to get out. Jordan and Seth want to go camping with Grandpa and Grandma again so we need to find a fun place to take them one of these weekends.
Jarad was laid off of work for a while so I had him paint the inside of my house. My kitchen, livingroom, and my hall. It is so fun to have things clean and fresh again. He did such a great job. It's nice to have children to do some of the grunt work that I don't want to do. He is back to work now so I am glad I got it done when I did.
I am looking forward to the end of school. The kids don't want to be in school anymore. We spend more time chasing them around and trying to keep them in classes than anything else. I kinda know how they feel. I am about done with this stuff myself.

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